Crypto Payments for any type of business あらゆるオンラインビジネスに対応しています!
Is your business an online shop, digital gaming or financial services? You can now enjoy cryptocurrency transactions for your customers.

  • Online Shopping

    Enjoy shopping online
    Safe and secure. Without worries

  • Online Gaming

    Easy in-game purchases with wide vareity of cryptocurencies
    you could choose from.

  • Financial Services

    Grow your business with us. Use cryptocurrency to make
    transaction to your clients.

  • オンラインショップ


  • オンラインゲーム


  • フィナンシャルサービス


Let your customer send money quickly and safely より迅速に、安全に仮想通貨で送金可能
Allow your customers to send any fiat currency amount in terms of cryptocurrency, free from hassle of online banking terms. ドル、ユーロ、円などの主要通貨から仮想通貨での送金が可能です。
Frequently Asked Questions よくあるご質問
A cryptocurrency digital or virtual currency that is secured by cryptography (from investopedia). 仮想通貨はデジタル通貨、バーチャル通貨と呼ばれるもので暗号化されることで、保護されています。
Please click get started to get in touch with a representative so that we can give you an overview of costs depending on you business size. ビジネス規模に合わせた費用を 担当者がご案内します。
You can opt to create a cryptocurrency wallet wherein you can receive the funds in cryptocurrency form or receive the funds in fiat money form via bank account. 仮想通貨のウォレットを作成し仮想通貨の形で資金を受け取るか銀行口座経由で、フィアットマネーの形で、資金を受け取るかを選択することができます。